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#1 booking app

For fitness centers and personal trainers

Organizing group appointments and workouts has never been easier! Have all your individual and group sessions and the schedule of coaches and gyms in one place.

Try it for Free
#number of users is growing by the day

Why coaches


happy customers
XXL Spaladium Split
“Zoyya is very practical to use and has improved our business. We used to do everything by phone, which took us a lot of time, and it was not always convenient for clients to call us on the phone. Now they can easily sign up for classes in a few clicks via the app, and we see everything in the calendar. "
- Andrijana Šakić
Zoyya helps people organize themselves better, be regular and consistent.
easier organization of training schedules and coordination of trainers
Really useful application. Like an assistant who organizes everything for you :)!
of trainees switched to online booking
better use of working hours
City Fitness Osijek
"We are super happy with the app. It makes it extremely easy for me to track arrivals and organization. Everything is visible and clear ... classes, people, gyms ... And our clients are happier, which is also important."
- Dora, City Fitness Osijek
5 star review from our users
#online booking

Fast, simple and professional

Your clients come to you to strengthen their body, not train your nerves :). Provide the impression of a professional fitness center and allow your clients to have the privilege of fast, simple and modern booking.

  • 0-24 online booking for trainees
  • Custom web page for online booking
  • All your classes on the Zoyya marketplace
  • Bringing your services closer to your clients
Andrijana Šakić
XXL Spaladium Split
"Customers sign up in a few clicks, and we can see it all in the calendar."
#calendar and order book

Leave the notebook and Excel! Zoyya is a tool for modern coaches.

Recording of appointments in a notebook or Excel serves a purpose, but digital records incomparably facilitate and improve business. Join modern coaches who realized the benefits of the Zoyya calendar and its organizational capabilities.

  • Calendar and appointments available 24/7
  • On your laptop, tablet or mobile device
  • Automatic appointment reminders
  • Integrations with Google Maps and Google Calendar
"Regular workout is sometimes more important than intensity, and automatic reminders help the forgetful ones arrive on time :)"
#business reporting

Make better use of working hours, gyms and devices and optimize your business

With Zoyya, you will have all the information you need to make the right business decisions. Quickly and easily review which services are the most popular, which are wasting too much time or resources. Track your business by income, employees, time and customers.

  • Overview of income, services and appointments
  • Overview of employee schedules
  • Daily client visit list
  • Excel and PDF downloads
City Fitness Osijek
"Customer feedback on the app is extremely positive. And it has really simplified our business."
#employee schedule

All in one place

Create schedule generation rules and Zoyya will do everything for you. The application will create schedules in the future, link the creation of appointments and reservations in accordance with the availability of employees. And any manual change takes just a few clicks.

  • Automatic schedule generation
  • Schedule generation templates
  • Integration with online booking
"Zoyya is always available, reminding the clients of their workouts... Just great!"
#why zoyya

Keep up with trends,
save your time

The fitness industry also needs to keep pace and keep up with trends. Make your business easier, save time and improve the quality of service.

The best app for fitness centers.

Enable online booking for your clients and complete the overall user experience with your center.

Try it for Free
#customer support

With you every step
of the way

Our expert customer support team will help you set up Zoyya and be with you every step of the way. Contact us any time of the day via email or phone, or let us come to you for a quick training at your location.

Sign up for Free